Magnus Gyllenberg @ Stockholm Skatepark 2009
Time flies… 10 years ago (2009) took this pic of Mange at Stockholm skatepark, I think it ended up for one of his articles in Giftorm.
Dave Maxwell in JUICE – Pools, Pipes & Punk Rock
A few months ago I was contacted by Juice and they were wondering if they could use some of my photographs for an article about Dave Maxwell. They were doing several interviews with different skate park builders that skate. I was very pleased and honoured to supply the hi-resolution photos of Dave to JUICE… now it was just waiting game until the mag got published. Eventually ‘MY’ issue of Juice
Vert Attack Rebate… @ Stockholm akatepark
Couldn’t make it to Vert Attack this year but stoked I got to take some photos of some of the guys from VA here in Stockholm 🙂 Here’s some pics enjoy…
New Uppsala “Blood bowl”… Christmas came early…
Based and parts used from the old Uppsala indoor bowl… remodelled and 100 times better 🙂 Thanks Will, Enrico and Bryggeriet couldn’t be a better Christmas present.